Introducing "Kingdom Currents", a new podcast featuring Dr. Glen Schultz of Kingdom Education Ministries
Kingdom Currents
17:49Taking Back the Definition of "Education"
Kingdom Currents
20:39What is God's Highest Priority for Every Christian?
Kingdom Currents
18:58Transforming Culture through Biblical Worldview: An Interview with Jeff Keaton of RenewaNation
Kingdom Currents
27:25Knowing God: How Can a Culture that Knows So Much be so Far off the Mark?
Kingdom Currents
24:46Do Parents and Teachers Want the Same Things for their Students?
Kingdom Currents
24:34Our Responsibility Before God: Education and Professional Development with Dr. Annie Gallagher
Kingdom Currents
27:09"Fact Value Split": A Divide in Truth, featuring Susan Leonard
Kingdom Currents
34:49Identity Crisis! What Does God's Word Say About Identity? With Ben Schettler
Kingdom Currents
23:08A Tribute and Testimony of Two Good and Faithful Servants
Kingdom Currents
17:50What Happens to Women and Babies when the Existence of God is Ignored and Denied
Kingdom Currents
21:03Pastor Mike Lewis: The Cultural Consequences of Missing a Key Doctrine
Kingdom Currents
19:39"What Everyone Has, But Few Know They Have It": Understanding Worldview
Kingdom Currents
16:24Grand Narratives: The "Main Business" of All Education
Kingdom Currents
22:39A Crisis of our own Creation? Have we Surrendered the Christian Mind to Secularism?
Kingdom Currents
22:12Truth or Lies? What is Feeding Cultural Decay?
Kingdom Currents
24:43The Unraveling of the Church: Committing the Same Evils as Israel
Kingdom Currents
21:23Fighting for Our Children: Strong Families Make Strong Churches
Kingdom Currents
23:20How Should we Prioritize Biblical Education?
Kingdom Currents
21:48The Latest Attacks on Christianity and the Family
Kingdom Currents
19:15Parenting Goals: Do They Match God's Goals?
Kingdom Currents
17:20The Absolute Truth: Can it be Known?
Kingdom Currents
30:05How Can One Know What is True?
Kingdom Currents
21:07Beyond Culture Shock: More Examples of Today's Insanity
Kingdom Currents
21:51Reality, Truth, and the End Goals of Education
Kingdom Currents
21:53Should Christians be Involved in Politics?
Kingdom Currents
27:28Home Invasion! Protecting Against Moral Decay
Kingdom Currents
28:01The False Philosophy of Dualistic Worldviews
Kingdom Currents
19:20"It's the Economy, Stupid"... Or is it?
Kingdom Currents
22:12Grace and Truth through Jesus Christ: With Adrian DeVisser
Kingdom Currents
40:46Making a Decision: Reading God's Word
Kingdom Currents
8:12The Most Important Aspect of a Biblical Worldview
Kingdom Currents
15:45The Sexual Revolution targeting our children
Kingdom Currents
17:41Bought at a Price: What does the Bible say about "My Body, My Choice"?
Kingdom Currents
10:18Taking Advantage of Every Moment: Teaching your Children to Think Biblically
Kingdom Currents
11:45Endowed rights or Intrinsic rights?
Kingdom Currents
15:17Children Losing their Faith: Don't Just Blame the Colleges...
Kingdom Currents
16:33"I Love Abortions" - How Did We Get Here?
Kingdom Currents
18:49Character Before Career: The Absolute Necessity of Moral Teaching
Kingdom Currents
19:14Is God Calling us to Repentance and Revival?
Kingdom Currents
22:23Transforming Culture Through Biblical Worldview: An Interview with Jeff Keaton of Renewanation
Kingdom Currents
23:05Jeff Keaton: Making Disciples of the Next Generation
Kingdom Currents
26:10A Generation of "Nones": The Challenges Facing Gen Z (Part 1)
Kingdom Currents
26:51An Extraordinary Generation: The Challenges Facing Gen Z (Part 2)
Kingdom Currents
31:59Tragedy: What Do We Do Now?
Kingdom Currents
19:32Battling for the Hearts and Minds of the Next Generation
Kingdom Currents
21:34Worldview Crisis! With Dr. George Barna
Kingdom Currents
24:07The Challenges of Reaching Generation Z with Ben Schettler
Kingdom Currents
27:21What's in My Child's Textbook? With Dr. Bryan Smith of BJU Press
Kingdom Currents
21:06A Different Perspective on Parenting
Kingdom Currents
25:04Philosophy, Empty Deception, and Human Tradition
Kingdom Currents
17:21Christian Education After the Iron Curtain
Kingdom Currents
24:25The Pursuit of Biblical Excellence
Kingdom Currents
15:45Report Card: Evaluating Our Discipleship of the Next Generation
Kingdom Currents
18:44Leaving an intentional Legacy for Gods Glory.
Kingdom Currents
19:30A Sense of Urgency Like Never Before
Kingdom Currents
17:02Can Education be Neutral?
Kingdom Currents
26:30An Urgent Moral Decline: From Post-Christian to Anti-Christian Society
Kingdom Currents
27:15Empowered Parents, Engaged Churches, and Transformed Schools
Kingdom Currents
24:18Work with Permanence: KEM recap with NCS Superintendent Geoff Brown
Kingdom Currents
33:04A Health Update from Dr. Glen Schultz // Preparation Over Shelter
Kingdom Currents