Over Amped and No Vocalist
El Zombi, Umculo Mveliso, kaos muzikë, Kaosa Purua, wave-particle duality, Zarqnon the Embarrassed
The Drummer and Bass Player Warming Up
El Zombi, Umculo Mveliso, kaos muzikë, wave-particle duality, parampatar get, Zarqnon the Embarrassed
The Rhythm Section Has Left the Building
El Zombi, Umculo Mveliso, kaos muzikë, Torn Rispa on Lumpy Lions, parampatar get, Trixie Rider of Luxembourg Lane
The Vocalist is Left to His Own Devices
El Zombi, Umculo Mveliso, The Great Infusion, kaoso hudba, parampatar get, Zarqnon the Embarrassed
We Forgot the Words
El Zombi, kaos muzikë, Kaosa Purua, kaoso hudba, parampatar get, Zarqnon the Embarrassed
What if We Use Drums, Bass, and the Vocalist
Umculo Mveliso, The Great Infusion, kaos muzikë, Kaosa Purua, kaoso hudba, Zarqnon the Embarrassed