Various Artists
Scotland the Brave
Drums, Regimental Band of the Royal Highland Fusiliers, Pipes
Welcome to Scotland
Bluebell Polka
Jimmy Shand
Highland Cathedral
The Lone Piper Orchestra
Scottish Soldier
Andy Stewart
The Gay Gordons
The Lothian Scottish Dance Band
Braveheart Theme
The Munros
Amazing Grace
Hoots Mon
Lord Rockingham’s XI
Flower of Scotland
Dark Island
The Lone Piper
Local Hero
Celtic Spirit
Ye Jacobites by Name
The Bonaly Boys
Over the Sea to Skye
Strip the Willow
The Wick Scottish Band, Addie Harper
Wild Mountain Thyme
The S, G Band
Donald Where’s Yer Troosers
Loch Lomond
The Lomond Lads
Ye Banks and Braes
S Wood
Scots Wha Hae
500 Miles
Northern Pipe Posse
Mull of Kintyre
The Macca Appreciation Society
A Man’s a Man for a’ That
Robert Burns Trilogy
Auld Lang Syne
The Tartan Rockers