Various Artists
Crazy Crowd
Florent Duclos, Benoit Jego
Stressed Living
Moritz Bintig
Stop and Flow
Queens Road
Run the City
Ryan Chain, Sound Haze
Traffic Is Terror
Viktor Petrov
Dizzy of the Day
Jon Hansson
Break a Mind
Tomorrow Is Today
No Time
Walter Grund
Power and Sress
Philippe Falcao
Time Race
Going Crazy
Stress or Less
Alan Jay Reed
Beat the Clock
Busy Day
What a Headache
John Bullaro
Daily Burnout
Assorted Calamities
Blue Star
Stan Regal
Cluster Pain
Joachim Tospann
The Acceleration Dictation
Henny Arve
Stressed out Outing
Crazy Rhythm of the Day
Stop the Telephone
Arno Brugger
Torn to Pieces
Anselm C. Kreuzer
Molecular Movement
Adam Fligsten
Total Burnout
Didier Viseux
Critical Pressure
Monotonously Tense
Chaos or Cure
Don't Test It
Jitter Flitter
Stress Engine