Porgy And Bess: Summertime
Betty Lane, Houston Grand Opera Women"s Ensemble, Houston Grand Opera Orchestra, John DeMain
Porgy And Bess: Oh, Nobody Knows When de Lord Is Gonna Call
Bernard Thacker, Larry Marshall, Alexander B. Smalls, Wilma Shakesnider, Glover Parham, Hartwell Mace, Houston Grand Opera Men's Ensemble, Betty Lane, John DeMain
Porgy And Bess: Here Come de Honey Man; Porgy's Entrance
Mervin Wallace, Myra Merritt, Carol Brice, Alexander B. Smalls, Bernard Thacker, Donnie Ray Albert, Larry Marshall, Glover Parham, Hartwell Mace, Wilma Shakesnider, John DeMain
Porgy And Bess: Here Comes Big Boy! (Entrance of Crown and Bess)
Bernard Thacker, Alexander B. Smalls, Hartwell Mace, Andrew Smith, Donnie Ray Albert, Wilma Shakesnider, Clamma Dale, Larry Marshall, John DeMain
Porgy And Bess: Oh Little Stars, Little Stars
Donnie Ray Albert, Bernard Thacker, Hartwell Mace, Andrew Smith, Larry Marshall, Alexander B. Smalls, Glover Parham, Carol Brice, Wilma Shakesnider, Clamma Dale, Houston Grand Opera Ensemble, Houston Grand Opera Orchestra, John DeMain
Porgy And Bess: Wake Up an' Hit It Out
Clamma Dale, Andrew Smith, Larry Marshall, Carol Brice, John DeMain
Porgy And Bess: Gone, Gone, Gone
Wilma Shakesnider, Carol Brice, Clamma Dale, Houston Grand Opera Ensemble, John DeMain
Porgy And Bess: Overflow
Alexander B. Smalls, Mervin Wallace, Wilma Shakesnider, Carol Brice, Donnie Ray Albert, Betty Lane, Houston Grand Opera Ensemble, Houston Grand Opera Orchestra, John DeMain
Porgy And Bess: Well, Well, Well, a Saucer-Burying-Setup
Hansford Rowe, Wilma Shakesnider, Myra Merritt, Mervin Wallace, Donnie Ray Albert, Carol Brice, William Gammon, Alexander B. Smalls, Houston Grand Opera Orchestra, John DeMain
Porgy And Bess: My Man's Gone Now
Wilma Shakesnider, Houston Grand Opera Ensemble, Houston Grand Opera Orchestra, John DeMain
Porgy And Bess: How de Saucer Stan' Now, My Sister?
Cornel Richie, Wilma Shakesnider, Alexander B. Smalls, Donnie Ray Albert, Houston Grand Opera Ensemble, Houston Grand Opera Orchestra, John DeMain
Porgy And Bess: Leavin' for the Promise' Lan'
Clamma Dale, Houston Grand Opera Ensemble, Houston Grand Opera Orchestra, John DeMain
Porgy And Bess: It Takes a Long Pull to Get There
Alexander B. Smalls, Houston Grand Opera Ensemble, Houston Grand Opera Orchestra, John DeMain
Porgy And Bess: Mus' Be You Mens Forgot About de Picnic
Shirley Baines, Alexander B. Smalls, Betty Lane, Houston Grand Opera Ensemble, Houston Grand Opera Orchestra, John DeMain
Porgy And Bess: I Got Plenty o' Nuttin'
Donnie Ray Albert, Wilma Shakesnider, Carol Brice, Houston Grand Opera Ensemble, Houston Grand Opera Orchestra, John DeMain
Porgy And Bess: Lissen There, What I Tells You
Carol Brice, Wilma Shakesnider, Larry Marshall, Houston Grand Opera Orchestra, John DeMain
Porgy And Bess: Mornin' Lawyer
Carol Brice, Raymond Bazemore, Donnie Ray Albert, Clamma Dale, Myra Merritt, Houston Grand Opera Ensemble, Houston Grand Opera Orchestra, John DeMain
Porgy And Bess: Dey's a Buckra Comin'
Alex Carrington, Shirley Baines, Wilma Shakesnider, Kenneth Barry, Betty Lane, Bernard Thacker, Alexander B. Smalls, Donnie Ray Albert, Raymond Bazemore, Houston Grand Opera Orchestra, John DeMain
Porgy And Bess: The Buzzard Song
Donnie Ray Albert, Kenneth Barry, Houston Grand Opera Ensemble, Houston Grand Opera Orchestra, John DeMain
Porgy And Bess: Lo, Bess, Goin' to the Picnic?
Larry Marshall, Clamma Dale, Donnie Ray Albert, Alexander B. Smalls, Houston Grand Opera Orchestra, John DeMain
Porgy And Bess: Bess, You Is My Woman
Donnie Ray Albert, Clamma Dale, Houston Grand Opera Orchestra, John DeMain
Porgy And Bess: Oh, I Can't Sit Down
Houston Grand Opera Ensemble, Houston Grand Opera Orchestra, John DeMain
Porgy And Bess: What's de Matter Wid You, Sister?
Carol Brice, Clamma Dale, Donnie Ray Albert, Houston Grand Opera Orchestra, John DeMain
Porgy And Bess: I Ain't Got No Shame
Houston Grand Opera Ensemble, Houston Grand Opera Orchestra, John DeMain
Porgy And Bess: It Ain't Necessarily So
Larry Marshall, Houston Grand Opera Ensemble, Houston Grand Opera Orchestra, John DeMain
Porgy And Bess: Dance; Shame on All You Sinners
Larry Marshall, Wilma Shakesnider, Carol Brice, Houston Grand Opera Ensemble, John DeMain
Porgy And Bess: What You Want wid Bess?
Clamma Dale, Andrew Smith, Houston Grand Opera Orchestra, John DeMain
Porgy And Bess: Lemme Go, Hear dat Boat
Clamma Dale, Andrew Smith, Houston Grand Opera Orchestra, John DeMain
Porgy And Bess: Honey, dat's All de Breakfast I Got Time for
Alexander B. Smalls, Steven Alex-Cole, Hartwell Mace, Carol Brice, John DeMain
Porgy And Bess: Take Yo' Hands off Me, I Say
Clamma Dale, Wilma Shakesnider, Carol Brice, Mervin Wallace, Donnie Ray Albert, John DeMain
Porgy And Bess: Oh, Doctor Jesus
Wilma Shakesnider, Donnie Ray Albert, Mervin Wallace, Myra Merritt, John DeMain
Porgy And Bess: Strawberry Woman; Honey Man; Crab Man
Phyllis Bash, Mervin Wallace, Shirley Baines, Steven Alex-Cole, Carol Brice, John DeMain
Porgy And Bess: Oh, Doctor Jesus (Hurricane Scene); Summertime (Reprise)
Donnie Ray Albert, Betty Lane, Wilma Shakesnider, Larry Marshall, John DeMain
Porgy And Bess: What Make You So Still, Bess; Oh, Dere's Somebody Knockin'
Donnie Ray Albert, Clamma Dale, Mervin Wallace, Carol Brice, Myra Merritt, Bernard Thacker, John DeMain
Porgy And Bess: You Is a Nice Parcel of Christians
Andrew Smith, Wilma Shakesnider, Clamma Dale, Donnie Ray Albert, Houston Grand Opera Ensemble, Houston Grand Opera Orchestra, John DeMain
Porgy And Bess: Jack's Boat Is de River
Clamma Dale, Betty Lane, Andrew Smith, Donnie Ray Albert, Houston Grand Opera Orchestra, John DeMain
Porgy And Bess: Clara, Clara
Houston Grand Opera Ensemble, Houston Grand Opera Orchestra, John DeMain
Porgy And Bess: Wait For Us at the Corner, Al
Hansford Rowe, Shirley Baines, Wilma Shakesnider, Myra Merritt, John B. Ross, John DeMain
Porgy And Bess: What Is Your Name?
John B. Ross, Donnie Ray Albert, Hansford Rowe, Clamma Dale, Larry Marshall, William Gammon, John DeMain
Porgy And Bess: Bess Is Gone
Myra Merritt, Donnie Ray Albert, Wilma Shakesnider, Bernard Thacker, Carol Brice