Messiah: "Overture - Comfort ye - Ev'ry Valley - And the Glory of the Lord - Thus Saith the Lord - But Who May Abide - And He Shall Purify"
The London Philharmonic Choir, Owen Brannigan, Sir Adrian Boult, George Maran, The London Philharmonic Orchestra
Messiah: "Behold a Virgin Shall Conceive - O'thou Tallest Good Tidings to Zion - For Behold! - The People That Walked in Darkness - For Unto Us a Child Is Born - Pastoral Symphony - Glory to God - Rejoice Greatly, O Daughter of Zion"
Norma Procter, The London Philharmonic Choir, Owen Brannigan, Sir Adrian Boult, Jennifer Vyvyan, The London Philharmonic Orchestra
Messiah: "Then Shall the Eyes of the Blind be Opened - He SHall Feed His Flock - His Yake Is Easy, His Burden Is Light "
Norma Procter, The London Philharmonic Choir, Sir Adrian Boult, Jennifer Vyvyan, The London Philharmonic Orchestra
Messiah: "Behold the Lamb of God - He Was Despised - Surely He Hath Borne Our Griefs"
Norma Procter, The London Philharmonic Choir, Sir Adrian Boult, Jennifer Vyvyan, The London Philharmonic Orchestra
Messiah: "And His Stripes - All We Like Sheep - All They That See Him - He Trusted God - Thy Rebuke Hath Broken His Heart - Behold and See - He Was Cut Off"
The London Philharmonic Choir, Owen Brannigan, Sir Adrian Boult, George Maran, The London Philharmonic Orchestra
Messiah: "The Lord Gave the Word - How Beautiful Are the Feet - Their Sound is Gone Out - Why Do the Nations So Furiously Rage Together - Let Us Break Their Bands Asunder"
The London Philharmonic Choir, Owen Brannigan, Sir Adrian Boult, George Maran, Jennifer Vyvyan, The London Philharmonic Orchestra
Messiah: "I Know That My Redeemer Livith - Since by Man Came Death"
The London Philharmonic Choir, Owen Brannigan, Sir Adrian Boult, George Maran, Jennifer Vyvyan, The London Philharmonic Orchestra
Messiah: "Behold I Tell You a Mystery - The Trumpet SHall Sound - Then Shall Be Brought to Pass - O Death Where Is Thy Sting - Worthy Is the Lamb"
Norma Procter, The London Philharmonic Choir, Owen Brannigan, Sir Adrian Boult, George Maran, Jennifer Vyvyan, The London Philharmonic Orchestra