Cléreau: Les Odes de Pierre de Ronsard à 3 parties: No. 9, La lune est coustumiere De naistre tous les mois
Ensemble Gilles Binchois
Songs of the Renaissance: France/Spain
4:18Songs of the Renaissance: France/Spain
2:27Songs of the Renaissance: France/Spain
3:48Certon: Que n'est-elle auprés de moy (from "Neufiesme livre contenant XXVIII chansons nouvelles à quatre parties, P. Attaingnant et H. Jullet, 1542")
Ensemble Gilles Binchois
Songs of the Renaissance: France/Spain
2:19Songs of the Renaissance: France/Spain
7:48Songs of the Renaissance: France/Spain
2:29Songs of the Renaissance: France/Spain
2:22Songs of the Renaissance: France/Spain
1:41Songs of the Renaissance: France/Spain
3:01Sermisy: Jouyssance vous donneray (from "Chansons nouvelles en musique à quatre parties naguère imprimées, Attaingnant, 1527")
Ensemble Gilles Binchois
Songs of the Renaissance: France/Spain
2:42Songs of the Renaissance: France/Spain
2:59Songs of the Renaissance: France/Spain
3:58Songs of the Renaissance: France/Spain
1:48Songs of the Renaissance: France/Spain
4:15Songs of the Renaissance: France/Spain
7:38Songs of the Renaissance: France/Spain
2:15Songs of the Renaissance: France/Spain
4:09Songs of the Renaissance: France/Spain
2:22Sermisy: Secourez moy ma dame par amours (from "Trente-sept chansons musicales à quatre parties, Attaignant, 1531")
Ensemble Gilles Binchois
Songs of the Renaissance: France/Spain
5:27Songs of the Renaissance: France/Spain
3:55Anonymous: Coeurs désolés de toutes nations (from "34 Chansons musicales à quatre parties, Attaignant, 1528")
Ensemble Gilles Binchois
Songs of the Renaissance: France/Spain
2:18Songs of the Renaissance: France/Spain
2:49Songs of the Renaissance: France/Spain
4:06Songs of the Renaissance: France/Spain
3:09Songs of the Renaissance: France/Spain
1:08Songs of the Renaissance: France/Spain
2:42Songs of the Renaissance: France/Spain
4:53Songs of the Renaissance: France/Spain
5:10Songs of the Renaissance: France/Spain
2:14Songs of the Renaissance: France/Spain
0:53Songs of the Renaissance: France/Spain
3:43Songs of the Renaissance: France/Spain
1:01Songs of the Renaissance: France/Spain
1:50Songs of the Renaissance: France/Spain
2:41Songs of the Renaissance: France/Spain
3:20Songs of the Renaissance: France/Spain
3:07Songs of the Renaissance: France/Spain
7:10Songs of the Renaissance: France/Spain
3:38Songs of the Renaissance: France/Spain
2:04Songs of the Renaissance: France/Spain