Various Artists
Andrew Hardin, Billy Troiani, Tom Russell, Richard Crane, "Fats" Kaplan
Fast Folk Musical Magazine (Vol. 3, No. 3)
She's Not You
Steve Gillette
Straight from the Heart
Mark Dann, Frank Christian, Tom Intondi, Howie Wyeth
Blind Man,The
John Kruth, Elaine Silver, Mark Dann
Down to the Sea in Ships
Paul Kovit, Margo Hennebach, Adrienne Jones
One Night in Greece with an American Tourist
Clive Pig
Living in America
Aztec Two-Step
Cry Me a River
Mark Dann, Susan Firing
If I Were the Man
Andrew Hardin, Mark Dann, Lyle Lovett
The Little Package
Brian Cutean
There Ought to Be a Law
Tom Blackburn, Lindsey Horner, Eric Wood