Cornysh II: Blow Thy Horn, Hunter
Michael Morrow, Purcell Consort of Voices, Grayston Burgess, Musica Reservata
Barbireau: En frolyk weson
Michael Morrow, Purcell Consort of Voices, Grayston Burgess, Musica Reservata
Henry VIII: Taunder naken
Michael Morrow, Purcell Consort of Voices, Grayston Burgess, Musica Reservata
Richafort: De mon triste desplaisir (Chanson)
Michael Morrow, Purcell Consort of Voices, Grayston Burgess, Musica Reservata
Cornysh II: Adieu, mes amours
Michael Morrow, Purcell Consort of Voices, Grayston Burgess, Musica Reservata
Anonymous: I am a jolly foster
Michael Morrow, Purcell Consort of Voices, Grayston Burgess, Musica Reservata
Busnois: Fortune espérée
Michael Morrow, Purcell Consort of Voices, Grayston Burgess, Musica Reservata
Anonymous: Passo e mezzo
Michael Morrow, Purcell Consort of Voices, Grayston Burgess, Musica Reservata
Anonymous: Where be ye my love?
Michael Morrow, Purcell Consort of Voices, Grayston Burgess, Musica Reservata
Daggere: Downberry down
Michael Morrow, Purcell Consort of Voices, Grayston Burgess, Musica Reservata
Anonymous: Hey trolly lolly lo
Michael Morrow, Purcell Consort of Voices, Grayston Burgess, Musica Reservata
Henry VIII: Pastime with good company
Michael Morrow, Purcell Consort of Voices, Grayston Burgess, Musica Reservata