The Singing Slovenes
Visoko Nad Oblaki (High Above the Clouds)
Po Dekle (I'm Going to Find a Girlfriend)
Mi Smo Za Vse (We Are for Everybody)
Sosedov Francelj (This Neighbor Frank)
Čebelar (The Beekeeper)
Mat' Potico Pečejo (Mom Is Baking Potica)
Halo Evropa (Hello Europe)
Mi Se Imamo Radi (We Like Each Other)
Ko Harmonika Zapoje (When the Button Box Sings)
Mi Ga Spet Žingamo (We Are Drinking Again)
Cleveland the Polka Town
Vince Rumeno (The Golden Wine)
Ta Glažek Je Prazen (This Glass Is Empty)
Lahko Noč Everybody (Good Night Everybody)
A Tribute to Bentleyville (Bonus Track)