Chakra Meditation Balancing
Chakra Healing and Balancing (Music to Balance Chakras)
Chakra Healing and Balancing - Balance Your Body, Your Mind and Your Soul with Meditation
Muladhara (First Chakra, The Root)
Svadisthana (Second Chakra, The Spleen)
Manipura (Third Chakra, The Solar Plexus)
Anahata (Fourth Chakra, The Heart)
Visudda (Fifth Chakra, The Throat)
Anja (Sixth Chakra, The Third Eye)
Sahasrara (Seventh Chakra, The Crown)
Touch of an Angel
The 7 Chakras
Balance Your Body, Your Mind and Your Soul
Chakra Cleansing (Tranquil Flute)
Mind Waves
Relax Ambient
Crystals (Sleep Rain Music)
Open Heart
Open Your Soul
Chakra Meditation Balancing (Close Meditating Session)
White Hand
Chakras Healing Meditation (Songs to Clean the Soul)
Deep Meditation Sounds (Mindfulness Meditations)
Gain Understanding
Reiki Chakra (Relaxing Sea Music, Duduk Flute with Waves Crashing)
Believe in Yourself