Various Artists
Ruth Etting
Flapper Walk
Frank Westphal, His Rainbow Orchestra
Dance! Dance! Dance! Vol. 5: Popular Dances of the 1920s
Varsity Eight
Camel Walk
Darktown Shuffle
Seattle Harmony Kings
Paul Whiteman, His Orchestra
I'm Gonna Charleston Back to Charleston
Coon-Sanders Orchestra
Black Bottom
Howard Lanin, His Orchestra
The Calinda
Wob-A-Ly Walk
Waring's Pennsylvanians
Five Step
Varsity Drag
Darktown Strutter's Ball
Ted Lewis, His Band
Henderson Stomp
Fletcher Henderson, His Orchestra
Black Bottom Stomp
Jelly-Roll Morton's Red Hot Peppers
Weary Stomp
Curtis Mosby, His Dixieland Blue Blowers
Sugar Foot Strut
Charleston Chasers
Doin' the New Low-Down
Duke Ellington, His Orchestra
Dancing the Devil Away
Victor Arden-Phil Ohman, their Orchestra
Dance Little Lady
Roger Wolfe Kahn, His Orchestra
Everybody Tap
Bernie Cummins, His New Yorker Orchestra
Hoosier Hop
Ray Miller, His Orchestra
On With the Dance
Ben Pollack, His Park Central Orchestra
Steppin' Along
Jesse Stafford, His Orchestra
Swanee Shuffle
Midnight Airedales
Taint No Sin
Ben Selvin, His Orchestra
Happy Feet
Frankie Trumbauer, His Orchestra