Charlie Singleton
Keep Cool (1949)
Later For You (1949)
Camel Walkin' (Late 49)
Hard Times Are Coming (Late 49)
Please Don'T Leave Me Here To Cry (1950)
S.O.S (1950)
The Late Creeper (1950)
H-Bomb Boogie (1950)
Never Trust A Woman (1950)
Earthquake (1950)
Elephant Rock (12-06-50)
Alligator Meat (12-06-50)
Gone With The Wind (C. 1950)
Blow Mr. Singleton (C. 1950)
Cry (1951/1952)
Swinging Away (1951/1952)
Lonely Lover Blues (Early 52)
Cat'S Paw (Early 52)
Super Chief (1952)
Jiving With Dr. Jive (1952)
Pony Express (1953)
Broadway Beat (1953)
Oozing Along (Mid 53)
The Board Walk (Mid 53)