David et Jonathas, H. 490, Prologue: "Où suis-je? qu’ai-je fait?" (Live At City Recital Hall, Sydney, 2008)
David et Jonathas, H. 490, Prologue: "Dois-je enfin Ă©prouver le secours de vos charmes" (Live At City Recital Hall, Sydney, 2008)
Dean Robinson, Antony Walker, Orchestra of the Antipodes, Paul McMahon
David et Jonathas, H. 490, Prologue: "Retirez-vous affreux tonnerre" (Live At City Recital Hall, Sydney, 2008)
David et Jonathas, H. 490, Prologue: "Quelle importune voix vient troubler mon repos?" (Live At City Recital Hall, Sydney, 2008)
Dean Robinson, David Parkin, Antony Walker, Orchestra of the Antipodes
David et Jonathas, H. 490, Prologue: "C’est assez! ai-je enfin épuisé ta colère?" (Live At City Recital Hall, Sydney, 2008)
Dean Robinson, Antony Walker, Orchestra of the Antipodes, Paul McMahon
David et Jonathas, H. 490, Act 1: "Du plus grand des héros publions les exploits" (Live At City Recital Hall, Sydney, 2008)
David Greco, Cantillation, Antony Walker, Orchestra of the Antipodes, Anna Fraser, Andrei Laptev
David et Jonathas, H. 490, Act 1: "Allez, le Ciel attend un légitime hommage" (Live At City Recital Hall, Sydney, 2008)
David et Jonathas, H. 490, Act 1: "Ciel! quel triste combat en ces lieux me rappelle?" (Live At City Recital Hall, Sydney, 2008)
David et Jonathas, H. 490, Act 1: "Toi dans qui j’espérois toûjours" (Live At City Recital Hall, Sydney, 2008)
David et Jonathas, H. 490, Act 1: "Le Ciel enfin favorable à mes vœux" (Live At City Recital Hall, Sydney, 2008)
Richard Anderson, Cantillation, Antony Walker, Orchestra of the Antipodes, Anders J. Dahlin
David et Jonathas, H. 490, Act 2: "Quel inutile soin en ces lieux vous arreste?" (Live At City Recital Hall, Sydney, 2008)
Simon Lobelson, Cantillation, Antony Walker, Orchestra of the Antipodes, Anders J. Dahlin
David et Jonathas, H. 490, Act 2: "DĂ©pit jaloux, haine cruelle" (Live At City Recital Hall, Sydney, 2008)
Simon Lobelson, Cantillation, Antony Walker, Orchestra of the Antipodes
David et Jonathas, H. 490, Act 2: "A vostre bras vainqueur" (Live At City Recital Hall, Sydney, 2008)
Ashley Giles, Cantillation, Antony Walker, Orchestra of the Antipodes, Sara Macliver, Anders J. Dahlin, Andrei Laptev
David et Jonathas, H. 490, Act 3: "Ah! je dois assûrer et ma vie et l’empire" (Live At City Recital Hall, Sydney, 2008)
Dean Robinson, Richard Anderson, Antony Walker, Orchestra of the Antipodes
David et Jonathas, H. 490, Act 3: "Objet d’une implacable haine" (Live At City Recital Hall, Sydney, 2008)
David et Jonathas, H. 490, Act 3: "David peut-il attendre un retour favorable?" (Live At City Recital Hall, Sydney, 2008)
Dean Robinson, Cantillation, Antony Walker, Orchestra of the Antipodes, Sara Macliver, Anders J. Dahlin
David et Jonathas, H. 490, Act 4: "Souverain juge des mortels" (Live At City Recital Hall, Sydney, 2008)
David et Jonathas, H. 490, Act 4: "Vous me fuiez!" (Live At City Recital Hall, Sydney, 2008)
Antony Walker, Orchestra of the Antipodes, Sara Macliver, Anders J. Dahlin
David et Jonathas, H. 490, Act 4: "A-t-on jamais souffert une plus rude peine?" (Live At City Recital Hall, Sydney, 2008)
Cantillation, Antony Walker, Orchestra of the Antipodes, Sara Macliver
David et Jonathas, H. 490, Act 4: "Venez, Seigneur, venez: SaĂĽl va vous attendre" (Live At City Recital Hall, Sydney, 2008)
Dean Robinson, Richard Anderson, Antony Walker, Orchestra of the Antipodes
David et Jonathas, H. 490, Act 4: "Enfin vous m’écoutez, Seigneur?" (Live At City Recital Hall, Sydney, 2008)
Richard Anderson, Simon Lobelson, Cantillation, Antony Walker, Orchestra of the Antipodes
David et Jonathas, H. 490, Act 5: "Courez, courez; Saül attend un secours nécessaire" (Live At City Recital Hall, Sydney, 2008)
David et Jonathas, H. 490, Act 5: "Que vois-je? quoi, je perds et mon fils et l’empire!" (Live At City Recital Hall, Sydney, 2008)
Dean Robinson, Cantillation, Antony Walker, Orchestra of the Antipodes, Sara Macliver
David et Jonathas, H. 490, Act 5: "Victoire! Victoire! tout cède à nos coups" (Live At City Recital Hall, Sydney, 2008)
David et Jonathas, H. 490, Act 5: "Qu’on sauve Jonathas" (Live At City Recital Hall, Sydney, 2008)
Cantillation, Antony Walker, Orchestra of the Antipodes, Sara Macliver, Anders J. Dahlin
David et Jonathas, H. 490, Act 5: "Voi traitre, et reconnoi ta nouvelle victime" (Live At City Recital Hall, Sydney, 2008)
Dean Robinson, Cantillation, Antony Walker, Orchestra of the Antipodes, Anders J. Dahlin
David et Jonathas, H. 490, Act 5: "Joignez à vos exploits l’honneur du diadème" (Live At City Recital Hall, Sydney, 2008)
Richard Anderson, Antony Walker, Orchestra of the Antipodes, Anders J. Dahlin
David et Jonathas, H. 490, Act 5: "Du plus grand des héros chantons la gloire" (Live At City Recital Hall, Sydney, 2008)
Richard Anderson, Cantillation, Antony Walker, Orchestra of the Antipodes