Various Artists
Brush Pile Burn
Jimmy Keller, His Brush Brner's
Automatic Bop Vol. 2 - For Cats On the Go
When I Was a Little Boy
Jerry Hanson
Miss Mary
Bobby Lee, The Blue Dots
I Want My Mama
Chuck Bene, Johnny Dentz' Hillrockers
Fidel Castro
Gene Freeman
Everybody's Rockin'
Billy Prager, His Caravans
Walla Walla State Prison
Gary Williams
The Wayward Wind
Jerry Kerlee, The Royal Rhythms
Truck Driver's Special
Lonnie Lillie
Sharpest Little Girl
The Benders
Do You Love Another
Doug Weiss
The US Rockers
Blond Headed Woman
Harold Lee
Rock'n Chair Roll
Johnny Cavalier, The Keynotes
So Real
Franklin Brothers
Jump Baby Jump
Harry Carter
I'm Walking the Dog
The Bennevilles
I Don't Need You Anymore
Miles Connor
What-Cha Gonna Say
Rich Miller, The K9's
Scrub Bucket
Johnny, The Cyclones
Paul Kepler, The Cool-Notes
Fool Fool Fool
Bill Whittley
Opal Lee
Earl Scott
Sugar Rock
Linden Lay
Who Shot Sam
Jonnie McCullough, The Four Sounds
School Day Blues
Pierre Manieu, Ron, His Rattletones
Tornado Twist
The Tornadoes
Do It Bop
Unlucky Man
Buddy White