Various Artists
It's Been a Long, Long Time
Bing Crosby
Sounds of the War Vol. 2: It's Been a Long, Long Time
A Nightmare Sang in Berkeley Sqaure
Joe Loss, Paula Green
Japanese Treachery in the Pacific
Winston Churchill
You'd Be So Nice to Come Home To
Anne Shelton
Ma, I Miss Your Apple Pie
RAOC Blue Rockets
Don't Sit Under the Apple Tree
Marion Hutton, Glenn Miller, Tex Beneke
The Meeting With President Roosevelt (Extract Ii)
The War of the Unknown Warriors
The Bombardier Song
Don't Let's Be Beastly to the Germans
Noel Coward
Blood, Toil, Tears and Sweat
A Sterner War (Extract I)
Coming in On a Wing and a Prayer
Berlin or Bust
George Scott Wood
This Is Worth Fighting For
The End of the War in Europe
When They Sound the Last All Clear
Donald Peers
Address to the Canadian Parlaiment
Never in the Field of Human Conflict
A Sterner War (Extract Ii)