Various Artists
Richard's Bounce
The Pastel Six
It Came from the Suburbs: Rare Teen Rock from the Kennedy Era
Joe Cool
Jimmie Hombs, Tom & the Twinkletones, the Hollywood Rebels
Lovin' up a Storm
Johnny Macrae
Jessie Hill
The Debonaires
Thump De De Dum Dum
Ernie Baptiste
Sweet Memories
Carl Burnett, the Hustlers
Jay Walkin'
Paul Clifton
Country Star
The Invictas, Tonga Strings
Purty Baby
Mickey Bowman, The Twinkle Tones
Oh It Hurts
The Karols
Betty Boop
Chip Chop (My Fair Lady)
The Well of Loneliness
Richard Ward, the Hustlers
The Invictas
She Came She Saw She Conquered
Horny AKA Hot Dogger
Voo Doo Dolly
Jimmie Hombs, The Invictas, the Hollywood Rebels
Cupid's Clown
Rae Ann, The Tongas
Yea Yea Yea
Joe Maniscalco
My Mary's Gone
Gone so Long
The Dragon
Zane Ashton