Janet Hood
Bill Russell
Angels, Punks And Raging Queens
Alice Ripley
Elegies For Angels, Punks & Raging Queens (2001 New York Concert Cast Recording)
I'm Holding On To You
Alton Fitzgerald White, Amy Spanger, Bobby Daye, Orfeh
And The Rain Keeps Falling Down
Brian D'arcy James
I Don't Do That Anymore
Clent Bowers, Doug Askew
I Don't Know How To Help You
Stephanie Pope
Alice Ripley, Emily Skinner
Heroes All Around
Kane Alexander, Robert Gallagher, Kathy Brier, Marie Danvers
Spend It While You Can
Sharon Wilkins, Wendy Baila, Brad Little, Ayal Miodovnik, Kelli Rabke
My Brother Lived In San Francisco
Emily Skinner
Learning To Let Go
Norm Lewis, 'Elegies For Angels, Punks & Raging Queens' 2001 New York Concert Cast
Billy (Monologue)
Steve Burns
Tina (Monologue)
Erin Torpey
Charlotte (Monologue)
Veanne Cox
Christopher (Monologue)
Bryan Batt
Walter (Monologue)
Christopher Durang
Joe (Monologue)
Mario Cantone