Daniel S. Acquisto
Sammy Buck
Like You Like It
Patti Murin, Robin de Jesús, Ensemble
Like You Like It (Original Studio Recording)
Be a Little Wild
Alison Luff, Ensemble
Derek Klena, Kate Rockwell, Teen Ensemble
It Could Totally Happen
Alison Luff, Derek Klena
Gotta Get Out
Alison Luff, Patti Murin, Rboin de Jesus, Derek Klena, Sam Underwood, Kate Rockwell, Aaron Riesebeck, Ensemble
Sylvie's Question / Phil's Answer
Bonnie Milligan, Nick Cearley
Be a Little Wild (Reprise 1)
Patti Murin, Alison Luff
Blame It on the Mall
Patti Murin, Robe de Jesus, Ensemble
Easy Way Out
Derek Klena, Alison Luff
Phil's Realization
Nick Cearley
Alison Luff, Patti Murin, Kate Rockwell, Derek Klena, Bonnie Milligan, Nick Cearley, Ensemble
Creating a Monster
Patti Murin, Sam Underwood
Blame It on the Mall (Reprise)
Robin de Jesús
Sylvie's Reaction
I Wanna Know Why
Kate Rockwell, Ensemble
Be a Little Wild (Reprise 2)
Alison Luff
So Close, So Far Away
Lesli Margherita, Ensemble
Be with Me
Derek Klena
Alison Luff, Derek Klena, Company
All of the Above
Laura Osnes, Nathan Johnson
The Seven Stages of Man
The Seven Stages Band