In Deo Lux Nostrum - In God, Our Light
Gregorian Monk, Monks of The Abbey of Notre Dame, Christmas Chants
In Deo Vivimus Et Amamus - In God, We Live and Love
Gregorian Monk, Monks of The Abbey of Notre Dame, Christmas Chants
In Cruce Spes Nostra - In the Cross, Our Hope
Gregorian Monk, Monks of The Abbey of Notre Dame, Christmas Chants
In Deo Speramus Gloria - In God We Hope for Glory
Gregorian Monk, Monks of The Abbey of Notre Dame, Christmas Chants
In Excelsis Pax Tua - Your Peace in the Heights
Gregorian Monk, Monks of The Abbey of Notre Dame, Christmas Chants
In Fide Et Amore Tuae - In Your Faith and Love
Gregorian Monk, Monks of The Abbey of Notre Dame, Christmas Chants
In Excelsis Laudamus - In the Heights We Praise
Gregorian Monk, Monks of The Abbey of Notre Dame, Christmas Chants
In Excelsis Gloria Magna - Great Glory in the Heights
Gregorian Monk, Monks of The Abbey of Notre Dame, Christmas Chants
In Gaudio Et Spe Semper - In Joy and Hope Always
Gregorian Monk, Monks of The Abbey of Notre Dame, Christmas Chants
In Deo Confidimus - In God We Trust
Gregorian Monk, Monks of The Abbey of Notre Dame, Christmas Chants