Peter McConnell
Thieves in Time
Sly Cooper: Thieves in Time (Original Game Soundtrack)
Against the Clock
Paris by Rooftop
I Smell a Rat
Whoa Camel, Whoa!
Special Delivery
Howitzer Hippo
Lost and Found
Hold On to Your Fez
Clan of the Cave Raccoon
Penguin Roundup
Getting Stronger
Here Come the Grizz
Hippos on Ice
Eye in the Sky
Tavern Tomfoolery
Hard Target
Lair of the Moat Monster
Juggling Act
New Sheriff in Town
Go West Young Raccoon
Blind Date
Follow That Armadillo
Riding the Range
From East to West
Turning Japanese
Towering Inferno
Sly Samurai
There's Something about Murray
Bridge Battle
Rescue Rioichi
Ms. D's Musical Offerings
Lovely Night for a Sword Fight
Enter El Jefe
Samurai Swing
Into the West
Armadillo Hunting
Forty Thieves
Fox Trot
Ms. Decibel
Taxi Shop
Stop That Blimp
Ms. Decibel Comes to Town
Ms. D's Last Stand
Meet Sir Galeth
Merry Olde England
Of Mice and Mechs
Paradox Defeated
Time Running Out
System Cracker
Michael Bricker
Spark Runner
Alter Ego
Thieves in Time (Metal Version)
Infected Scorpion