Veni, Fili Dei Vivus - Come, Son of the Living God
Gregorian Monk, Monks of The Abbey of Notre Dame, Gregorian Chants
Tibi Gloria Aeterna - To You, Eternal Glory
Gregorian Monk, Monks of The Abbey of Notre Dame, Gregorian Chants
Tu Gloria In Excelsis - Your Glory in the Highest
Gregorian Monk, Monks of The Abbey of Notre Dame, Gregorian Chants
Sancta Dei Mater - Holy Mother of God
Gregorian Monk, Monks of The Abbey of Notre Dame, Gregorian Chants
Salvator Mundi - Savior of the World
Gregorian Monk, Monks of The Abbey of Notre Dame, Gregorian Chants
Veni Adoremus Te - Come, Let Us Adore You
Gregorian Monk, Monks of The Abbey of Notre Dame, Gregorian Chants
Verbum Caro Factum Est - The Word Was Made Flesh
Gregorian Monk, Monks of The Abbey of Notre Dame, Gregorian Chants
Veritas Semper Lucet - Truth Always Shines
Gregorian Monk, Monks of The Abbey of Notre Dame, Gregorian Chants
Veni Sanctificator - Come, Sanctifier
Gregorian Monk, Monks of The Abbey of Notre Dame, Gregorian Chants
Sursum Cordis Meum - My Heart is Lifted Up
Gregorian Monk, Monks of The Abbey of Notre Dame, Gregorian Chants
Veritas Vos Liberabit - The Truth Shall Set You Free
Gregorian Monk, Monks of The Abbey of Notre Dame, Gregorian Chants
Venite Et Exultate - Come and Exult
Gregorian Monk, Monks of The Abbey of Notre Dame, Gregorian Chants
Vox Angelorum - Voice of the Angels
Gregorian Monk, Monks of The Abbey of Notre Dame, Gregorian Chants
Te Amamus, Rex Gloriosus - We Love You, Glorious King
Gregorian Monk, Monks of The Abbey of Notre Dame, Gregorian Chants
Sancta Fides Nostrum - Our Holy Faith
Gregorian Monk, Monks of The Abbey of Notre Dame, Gregorian Chants
Ad Te Domine Levavi - To You, Lord, I Lift Up
Gregorian Monk, Monks of The Abbey of Notre Dame, Gregorian Chants