No. 9, "How Insolently Coy! Am I to Be Despis'd?"
Johannete Zomer, Marc Pantus, Nicola Wemyss, Mitchell Sandler, Richard Zook, Jed Wentz, Musica ad Rhenum
No. 6, "Come All, Come All to Me, Make Haste"
Johannete Zomer, Marc Pantus, Nicola Wemyss, Mitchell Sandler, Richard Zook, Jed Wentz, Musica ad Rhenum
No. 8, "Return Revolting Rebells Where D'Ye Goe?"
Johannete Zomer, Marc Pantus, Nicola Wemyss, Mitchell Sandler, Richard Zook, Jed Wentz, Musica ad Rhenum
Sestetto con Coro. "Tu, è ver, m'assolvi, Augusto"
Vocal Ensemble Cocu, Musica ad Rhenum, Jed Wentz, André Post, Claudia Patacca, Cécile van de Sant, Francine van der Heyden, Nicola Wemyss, Marc Pantus
No. 9, "The Cares of Lovers, Their Allarms"
Johannete Zomer, Marc Pantus, Nicola Wemyss, Mitchell Sandler, Richard Zook, Jed Wentz, Musica ad Rhenum
No. 26, "Toil'd and Impatient have I Sought you Long"
Johannete Zomer, Marc Pantus, Nicola Wemyss, Mitchell Sandler, Richard Zook, Jed Wentz, Musica ad Rhenum
No. 4, "But Ah! How Much are Our Delights More Dear"
Johannete Zomer, Marc Pantus, Nicola Wemyss, Mitchell Sandler, Richard Zook, Jed Wentz, Musica ad Rhenum
No. 12, "The Rising Morn Her Purple Beams Now Sheds"
Johannete Zomer, Marc Pantus, Nicola Wemyss, Mitchell Sandler, Richard Zook, Jed Wentz, Musica ad Rhenum
No. 29, "Fly, Fly, Fly, Fly, Fly, Fly, Fly, Fly, Fly"
Johannete Zomer, Marc Pantus, Nicola Wemyss, Mitchell Sandler, Richard Zook, Jed Wentz, Musica ad Rhenum
No. 31, "Surprising Change!"
Johannete Zomer, Marc Pantus, Nicola Wemyss, Mitchell Sandler, Richard Zook, Jed Wentz, Musica ad Rhenum
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