The Drowned Lovers
Tenebrae, Martha McLorinan
Music of the Spheres: Part Songs of the British Isles
Conductus Funebris: II. Libera Me, Domine
Charlotte Mobbs, Martha McLorinan, Jeremy Budd, Ben Davies
Grzegorz Gerwazy Gorczycki
The Triumph of Time & Truth, HWV 71: Pleasure Submits To Pain
Catherine Backhouse, Emily Mitchell, Judy Brown, Libby Crabtree, Ludus Baroque, Martha McLorinan, Rachel Redmond
Handel: The Triumph of Time & Truth
My Song is Love Unknown
Katie Trethewey, Martha McLorinan, Ben Alden, Stephen Kennedy
On Eagles' Wings: Sacred Choral Works by Alexander L'Estrange
And Think Ye Nymphs a6
Martha McLorinan, Clare Wilkinson, Fretwork, David Skinner
Byrd 1589
O That Most Rare Breast
Fretwork, Martha McLorinan
Byrd 1588: Psalmes, Sonets & Songs of Sadnes and Pietie
Farwell False Love
Deo gracias, Anglia
Martha McLorinan, Elisabeth Paul, Mark Dobell, Steven Harrold
An Old Belief
Lord In Thy Wrath Reprove Me Not
Come To Me Grief Forever
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