Fantasia? - 1
Jacob Heringman
The Siena Lute Book
Fantasia? - 5
Victoria: Missa Surge Propera: 3. Credo
John Potter, Ariel Abramovich, Jacob Heringman
Secret History
Sumner: Bury Me Deep In The Greenwood
John Potter, Anna Maria Friman, Ariel Abramovich, Jacob Heringman
Amores Pasados
Variation on Robin is to the greenwood gone
All the Queen's Men: Music for Elizabeth I
Draw on sweet night
Sweet Robyne
Jane Pickeringe's Lute Book
La Volunté
Si Grand È La Pietá
The Art Of The Lute Player
Will you walk the woods so wild
Division-Musick: English duos for viol and lute
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