Combo Platter (1983): For me there's no more love / For you there's no more pumpkin pie
Sharan Leventhal, Marimolin, Nancy Zeltsman, Allan Chase
Combo Platter
Baritone Prayer Song
Allan Chase, Ra Kalam Bob Moses
Shamanic Soliloquies
Combo Platter (1983): Wine, Woman and Geopolitical Realities
Ascending Thru Drumming
Waltz for Lee
Riley Mulherkar, Ryan Keberle, Scott Robinson, Allan Chase, Samora Pinderhughes, Jay Anderson, Jeff Hirshfield
Exhaling Attachment
Combo Platter (1983): Oneness, allness, togetherness...hold the mayo
Sharan Leventhal, Marimolin, Allan Chase, Nancy Zeltsman
Exorcising Dark Spirits
Jesse Neuman, Allan Chase, Steve Cardenas, Tony Scherr, Tim Horner, Addison Frei
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