Non m´aggrad iverns ni pascors
Ensemble Lyra, Igor Pomykalo, Mira Valenta, Esmail Vasseghi, Reinhard Czasch
Trobadors und der vierte Kreuzzug
Classical Persian improvisation on the santur
Esmail Vasseghi
Ancient Turkish Music In Europe (16Th - 18Th Centuries)
2 Turkish love songs
Sodaye Del
Bijan Bijani, Esmail Vasseghi
The Sun of Beloveds
Pesrev in Mahur mode
Hich Magoo
Senher marques, ja nom diretz de non
Ara pot om conoisser
Ensemble Lyra, Igor Pomykalo, Mira Valenta, Reinhard Czasch, Esmail Vasseghi
Del grant golfe de mar
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